Access our award-winning research with iRate®

Lonsec has been in the research and ratings business for 30 years and we have one of the largest investment research and consulting teams in Australia. 

iRate®, our market leading investment research platform, gives you access to this research to efficiently build complete pictures of your clients’ investment portfolios and facilitate more informed and insightful conversations with your clients.

iRate® provides unparalleled breadth and depth of qualitative research, including research on managed funds, ETFs, hybrids, LIC / LITs, SMAs, ASX 200 equities, super funds and super fund investment options.

Get a complete picture of your client’s portfolio

iRate® lets you filter and compare financial products based on the key qualitative characteristics to construct portfolios aligned with your client’s goals and preferences, enabling you to meet your best interest duty and compliance obligations.

iRate’s Managed Account Portal gives a comprehensive picture of the Lonsec Managed Portfolios and includes detailed insights on asset allocation, holdings, plus a library of performance reports, change reports and quarterly market updates to support you in your client conversations.

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