Discover the power of Lonsec’s Tailored Managed Accounts
Lonsec partners with innovative licensees and advice businesses looking to grow and scale so they can deliver a unique investment experience to clients. Our Tailored Solutions allow advisers to cater to more individualised investment preferences, to help facilitate better investment outcomes for clients.
In a truly collaborative process, we work alongside businesses to create and co-design a Tailored Managed Account (otherwise known as private label or bespoke) for your clients that appoints you as co-pilot, can accommodate existing investment preferences and with the option to retain your brand.
Our goal is to give you greater confidence in your investment process, from the asset allocation decision right through to security selection and investment committee governance.
The information in this video is prepared by Lonsec Investment Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 95 608 837 583 (LIS, we, us, our), a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR) No. 1236821 of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, AFSL No. 421445 (Lonsec Research). Any express or implied rating or advice presented in this video is limited to general advice and based solely on consideration of the investment merits of the financial product(s) alone, without taking into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs (“financial circumstances”) of any particular person. Before making an investment decision you must consider your financial circumstances or seek personal financial advice on its appropriateness. Read the Product Disclosure Statement for each financial product before making any decision about whether to acquire a financial product. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. No representation, warranty or undertaking is given or made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in this video, which is drawn from information not verified by LIS. This video may also contain third party material that is subject to copyright. To the extent that copyright subsists in a third party it remains with the original owner and permission may be required to reuse the material.The information contained in this video is current as at the date of publication. Financial conclusions, ratings and advice are reasonably held at the time of publication but subject to change without notice. LIS assumes no obligation to update this document following publication. This video is not intended for use by a retail client or a member of the public and should not be used or relied upon by any other person. This video is not to be distributed without the consent of LIS. Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, LIS and Lonsec Research, their directors, officers, employees and agents disclaim all liability for any error or inaccuracy in,misstatement or omission from, this video or any loss or damage suffered by the reader or any other person as a consequence of relying upon it. Copyright © 2024 Lonsec Investment Solutions Pty Ltd.You may not reproduce, transmit, disseminate, sell or publish this video without our written consent.