Solid macroeconomic conditions take a back seat to a tariff war.
In the first edition of Portfolio Perspectives for 2025, we hear from Nathan Lim, Chief Investment Officer of Lonsec Investment Solutions.
The key messages for investors are:
- US long term interest rates are well above where they should be at this point in the cycle
- Three competing reasons for this anomaly lead to very different portfolio positions
- Lonsec Investment Solutions (LIS) believes all three reasons are interrelated, but the endpoint is not as alarming as the market currently expects
- While the current macroeconomic environment is solid, the first shots of a tariff war were fired on February 1, creating uncertainty and likely headwinds for global growth
- Trim some risk from portfolios
To access the full Portfolio Perspectives for February 2025, download the PDF here, along with the charts & commentary.
You can also listen to the Portfolio Perspectives podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
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